Category: Afterschool activities

  • Technical problems at the booking start of AAs 2023

    Technical problems at the booking start of AAs 2023

    Due to technical difficulties, which we were thankfully able to resolve in the end, it was no longer possible to book courses from approx. 18:34 pm on 23.09.2023. We apologise for the inconvenience. We are pleased to inform you that the booking process will be open again tomorrow, 24.09.2023 in the morning at 10 am.

  • Informations on the AAs

    Informations on the AAs

    All of the AA courses that start at 12:30 are directly at the end of the school day for KG-P2 on Mondays and for the majority of KG-P5 on Wednesdays and Fridays. We will have someone helping the KG and GS children to find the AA rooms and we will have a meeting point (will be…

  • Innovations on the websites

    Innovations on the websites

    Multilingualism We have also responded to the request to make the information, especially the AA courses, multilingual.The website either recognises your browser language or you can select your language at the top right.Depending on which language setting you use to purchase your membership, you will then also have to purchase the courses in that language…

  • Extracurricular Activities (AA) 2nd Semester 2022/2023 – Activation on 11.02.2023 at approx. 2 p.m.

    Hi all, on 27.02.2023 the 2nd semester for extracurricular activities will start. The booking for the half-year courses will be activated on 11.02.2023 at approx. 14:00. All other year courses that are not fully booked (see website) can be booked at reduced prices from 17.02.2023. The AA Team of the Parents’ Association of the European…

  • Freischaltung Außerschulischen Aktivitäten (AA) 2022/2023 um 18 Uhr

    Hallo zusammen, wie geplant wird die Freischaltung der Ausserschulischen Aktivitäten um 18 Uhr erfolgen. Wir haben ein paar Optimierungen des Servers vorgenommen und sind guter Dinge, dass wir keine technischen Probleme haben werden. Falls dennoch der Aufbau der Webseiten oder der Bestellvorgang ein bißchen hakt, bitten wir um Verständnis und Geduld. Bitte denken Sie daran:Nachdem…

  • Enquiry and Swimming KG 2022/2023

    Dear Parents, We are now receiving various enquiries about the activities on offer.We will try to answer them promptly and provide information here on the homepage. Currently, there are many enquiries about the swimming courses. Due to the lack of a swimming course instructor, we are not able to offer swimming for children and beginners.We…

  • Afterschool activities 2022/2023

    Dear Parents, the list of afterschool activities (AA) 2022/2023 of Parents’ Association of the European School e.V. is ready. Before ordering the courses is activated, you can have a look and pre-choose with your children. The booking of the courses is expected to be open on Saturday Sept. 17 around 6 p.m..A short description of…

  • Außerschulische Aktivitäten + Kurskatalog: Aktualisiert 02.05.2022

    Hallo zusammen! Nach einer kurzen Pause der außerschulischen Aktivitäten freuen wir uns sehr, das Schuljahr 2021/2022 fortzusetzen. Der aktualisierte Kurskatalog wurde am 02. März 2022 veröffentlicht. Kurskatalog: AA Tabelle 2021 2022 Der Webshop wird am Donnerstag, den 03. März 2022 um 10 Uhr für Kursbuchungen geöffnet.  Wenn Sie Ihr Konto seit zwei Jahren nicht mehr…