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New web pages online
Hello everybody, During the summer holidays we have been working hard on the new website of the Parents’ Association of the European School Karlsruhe e.V.. We hope that you will find the information you are looking for. However, change can also mean that there are still some problems.If this is the case, we apologise. We…
Summer Fest 2023 – The Programme
Dear families and staff of the European School Karlsruhe the programme for the annual Parents’ Association Summer Fest is ready!
Summer Fest 2023 – Update
Dear School Families and Staff, We are counting down to the annual Parents’ Association Summerfest! The motto for this year is “Our Earth” and is inspired by Helen Keller and the necessity of unity. We are still working on our programme but we can already guarantee that our summerfest will be amazing. So please be a part of it! When: 25.06.2023 …
Tag der offenen Tür am 11. März 2023
Tag der offenen Tür am 11. März 2023 an der Europäischen Schule Karlsruhe Beim traditionellen Open Day am Samstag, 11. März 2023, von 9.30 bis 14 Uhr können sich alle Interessierten ein umfassendes Bild von der Besonderheit der Europäischen Schule Karlsruhe (ESK) machen, die eine internationale Bildungseinrichtung – durchgängig vom Kindergarten bis zum Europäischen Abitur…
Summer fest 2023
This year’s summer festival will take place on 25 June 2023. You can find more information here
New and reduced merchandise in the Euroboutique
We are pleased to offer the following new items in the Euroboutique: Grey sweat jackets with logo “Pyramid” Grey and european blue baseball caps with logo “Pyramide” Furthermore the following articles are reduced: 60 – Years School T-Shirt (Primary School) 60 – years drinking bottle (primary school)
Extracurricular Activities (AA) 2nd Semester 2022/2023 – Activation on 11.02.2023 at approx. 2 p.m.
Hi all, on 27.02.2023 the 2nd semester for extracurricular activities will start. The booking for the half-year courses will be activated on 11.02.2023 at approx. 14:00. All other year courses that are not fully booked (see website) can be booked at reduced prices from 17.02.2023. The AA Team of the Parents’ Association of the European…
Holiday childcare 2023
Dear Parents, the Parents’ Association, together with the AWO, is organising holiday childcare at the European School for kindergarten and primary school children during summer holidays 2023: Please register online at For more information on covid hygiene and testing measures, please contact the AWO directly. Please take note: Unfortunately, as it stands today, we…