Membership application

Membership of the ESK PA for the 2024/2025 school year consists of the following completed membership application and the subsequent, simultaneous purchase of membership.
You will be automatically redirected to purchase membership after pressing the “Send” button.

If you do not purchase the membership after completing the membership application, you will not be able to purchase the membership retrospectively and will have to complete and submit the application again.

    I hereby apply for, membership of the Parents’ Association of the European School e.V. as an ordinary member with an annual membership fee of EUR 40 for the school year 2024/25.

    My contact details:

    With my signature I recognise the statutes of the association in the currently valid version as binding for me.

    Membership only becomes valid once a membership has been purchased.
    You will only be redirected to the membership purchase page once you have successfully submitted the membership application.