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Summer Fest 2023 – Update

Dear School Families and Staff,
We are counting down to the annual Parents’ Association Summerfest!
The motto for this year is “Our Earth” and is inspired by Helen Keller and the necessity of unity.
We are still working on our programme but we can already guarantee that our summerfest will be amazing. So please be a part of it!
When: 25.06.2023 from 10am to 5pm on the school grounds.
This year we are going to offer some special games, interesting guests, and we would be thankful for your donations in the following areas:
Tombola/Raffle Baskets:
As every year, it would be very nice if each class contributes a gift basket to the Tombola/raffle.
Traditionally, each class organizes itself with the help of teachers, class representatives and students to create a beautiful basket. We ask for your contribution for your children’s class basket. More details will be given to you later by your parent representative including dates/locations for submission.
Cake Donation:
We would like to ask that as many families as possible bring a cake again on the morning of the 25th. The money raised from the sale will be used to fund projects for our children during the school year.
Please sign up at the following link: PA Summer Fest
Bake Sale Helpers and Flea Market Signups:
If you would like to be an active volunteer selling cakes on site and/or have a table at the flea market, sign up for both at the following link: PA Summer Fest
If you have any questions about the flea market, please contact us at
Sound Engineer and Stage Presenter:
We still need some helpers for soundtrack, stage, and presenting. If you have fun doing one of those activities, please contact Ilka von Bauer Monteiro de Paula and we will be very happy to team up. Please contact at:
Hope to see you on 25.06.23 and to be able to enjoy this fantastic day with you and your family,
Your Summerfest Team,
on behalf of the Parents’ Association